Chrome Extension

Expression trees in the Scratch online editor

Latest Release

The latest release of the Chrome Extension can be downloaded in our GitHub repository.

Installation Guide

  • Download the zip file with the extension

    Go to the Release Pageof our GitHub repository.
    Download the latest pre-compiled version of the plugin by clicking on

  • Extract the content of the zip file to your computer

    Make sure you remember the path to your unzipped plugin folder

  • Open the extension page in Google Chrome

    You can access the extension page by typing chrome://extensions in the URL bar and press enter

  • Activate developer mode

    Turn on the switch on the top right labeled Developer mode

  • Load the unpacked extension

    Click on the button labeled Load unpacked, a pop-up window will open.

  • Select the previously extracted plugin folder

    Navigate to the unzipped plugin folder and click it, then press Select

  • The plugin is now installed

    Go to the Scratch website and open any Scratch project.
    On the top left of any expression the plugin will render a button with our logo.
    Click the logo and the plugin will render the corresponding expression tree.